Ms Fenny Tje

Ms Fenny Tjen

Oral Health Therapist

Fenny graduated as an Oral Health Therapist and obtained her Diploma in Dental Hygiene and Therapy from Nanyang Polytechnic in 2009. Prior to joining AllSmiles, she has accumulated more than 10 years of working experiences in patient centric private clinics.

QnA Section

Why did you become a dentist/hygienist?

I love working with my hands and am very detail oriented.
Being a Hygienist provides me with the privilege to serve others in the healthcare field while enhancing one of the most noticeable aspects of an individual — one’s smile.

What do you do in your free time?

Outside of work, I devote my free time to my husband and two daughters.
We enjoy travelling, hiking, and doing sports eg. badminton as a family.

What do you like most about your job?

I love working closely with patients towards a mutual goal of optimal oral (and thus general) health.
Restoring a patient’s periodontal health and alleviating fear during a child’s first dental visit brings me incredible joy and fulfilment.

Why should you book an appointment with me?

I am very passionate about detail and precision, and this perfectionism is reflected in all my work.
I am proud of my success in helping families and their children overcome their dental fears and anxieties.